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During my travels, I received free accommodation for a night in exchange for writing a daily travel diary. This diary documented how I reached my next destination, the hosts who welcomed me, the food I was offered, and other experiences along the way. Below, you will find the archives of these extensive reports. Please note that English is not my native language, and most entries were written quickly, often around midnight. Enjoy!

Thursday, 17 May 2001
Brussels (B) day 2

Steven let me sleep out, a group of American backpackers paid a movieticket for me and at 6.30pm my next hostess Sophie Phillipa picked me up...

This morning Steven let me sleep long at his house as he had to go to work. That was great, because I woke up around 11.30 am, hihi.

After a little breakfast I locked off Stevens apartment and wandered into the city. While taking a break at a little square, I got in contact with three American backpackers - Jordan, Michael and Susan from Chicago - tracking through Europe. Their idea for this day was relaxation, and they wanted me to join them for the afternoon and as they even paid a movieticket for me, we could all go to see "13 Days" at the theater!

For me that was also something different, than playing to be the tourist all day long and it was a great movie!

After the movie the three Americans had to get to their hostel and we said goodbye - they said they'd invite me over as soon as they get back from Europe - and my next hostess in Brussels picked me up at the Brussels Exchange building.

Her name is Sophie Phillippa (25) and she is origally Dutch and she works at British Telecom in Brussels, specialized in special events.

A few weeks ago she moved to her new apartment in the northeast of Brussels, and I was actually the first guest coming over!

And another interesting fact: she had only invited me over through this website two days earlier, after she read it in Flair-magazine! Of course she was very suprised when I called her almost one day after she submitted her information to me!

After arriving I handed over The Gift from my previous host Steven, who had selected his favorite Calvin & Hobbes comic book to be the present for Sophie.

She had some Vietnames left-overs from last week and decided to heat that up for us - typical Dutch! During dinner she couldn't leave the comic book alone, while I played with her cat Minou...

Friends Fans Only!
With her ADSL-internet connection I supersurfed on the Internet and in that same room I discovered her HUGE videotapes collection. On of the boxes had the Friends-series #6 on it, which hasn't been broadcast in the Netherlands yet.

Sophie hadn't seen the 8-pack video box either, so after writing some reports, we settled on the couch in front of the TV, laughing us crazy about those New York yuppies - the last video was only seen by me, my eyes where trying to stay half open untill the final theme...

I think...