Others about...

Here you can to read what my ex-hosts wrote about my stay for a day at their place.

Peter Devereaux (ex-host), Hervey Bay, Australia:

"If you are a first time visitor to Ramon's site, let me help you... He has just this evening left for Bundaberg on his way north to Cairns. He is a faaaabulous house guest, a wonderful raconteur (storyteller), great company, clean, loves dogs, and very easy to entertain and keep amused.... I would recommend you to invite him to stay over at your place... He is welcome to stay here again if he comes back this way and I look forward to reading his daily reports for a few years yet... Good bye and thanks..."
Read Ramon's report about that day...

Brian from South Africa:

"When I invited Ramon, I was not sure what I was letting myself in for. Some people, my Dad included, said I was nuts, he might be a serial killer. Well, I figured that I don't have corn flakes at home, so what the hell. When Ramon phoned me when he was near my place, he sounded so up-beat, and so enthusiastic, that I was immediately relaxed and excited at the same time. When I met him, it was clear that Ramon is a kind and decent person, who wants to do something different, something that he can be proud of later. He asked all sorts of questions in the car en route to my place, but all the sort of questions that provide his report material, nothing personal. I screwed up by serving food that he does not like, but even that he handled with respect. He was keen to hear about my hobbies, and took an interest in my way of thinking. He showed respect for me, more than many people that I've known for years do. He was grateful for my help, and showed it clearly.
"Ramon is not trying to travel the world by being lazy, despite what some people might think. His project involves and requires a hell of a lot of work. He has many things to do, not the least of which is keeping this website up-to-date. He has to arrange his travels, his accommodation, and he has to find time, at his hosts convenience, to attend interviews with many media. And he has to be friendly and sociable to his hosts. It may seem like a holiday to you, but Ramon spends many hours each day working hard. It is a full time job with all the stress of a "normal" job, and then some. And, on top of all this, Ramon is a decent, friendly, and kind man, who smiles through everything."
"I don't see Ramon as a freeloader, I see him a guy who wants to travel the world (don't we all?) without the use of monetary funds... there is more in the world then just money. Once you've met Ramon you know that 'lazy' and 'Ramon' are 2 words who are very hard to combine..."
" Ramon is a very decent person, someone with whom you feel quite comfortable. I can judge character quite well, and I truly believe that Ramon is a good man. Ok, this is already quite long, so I'll stop now. Basically, if you don't trust Ramon, and therefore don't invite him, you will be the one who loses out."
Read Ramon's report about that day...

David & Sue, Victoria, Australia:

Hi one and all. Sue & I have just got back from dropping Ramon off at Melbourne Airport, for his flight to Tasmania, after having had the pleasure of his company for the past 24 hours.
Firstly, to anyone contemplating the thought of "inviting" Ramon to stayforaday....Do it! Even if he has too many invites for a particular city to stay with them all. At least it gives Ramon the choice and also shows him that his "Project" is still alive and kicking. (I may be off the mark, but my interpretation of his project is to show that there still is good will and kindness throughout this planet. Dispite what some narrow-minded people might think!!) We had the honor of having Ramon spend a night with us and our four sons(aged 4 up to 9). While the boys are a tad too young to understand and appreciate the magnitude of what Ramon has done, and continues to do, they will remember him as someone who took the time to acknowledge them as individuals and take the time out to make THEM feel special. After all the youngsters of today are the future of tomorrow and I know that Ramon's short visit will never be forgotten by the older three!!
My oldest son Todd had asked me to ask Ramon if he could take Ramon to school as his "show and tell"! Some of these "knockers" should perhaps try taking into account what Ramon had experienced in the last few weeks in regards to negativity from the odd writer and his own feelings, (how tired and emotional would you be after nearly 6 months of travelling through Australia the way he is!!! CUT THE GUY SOME SLACK!! I witnessed first hand as he spent hours updating his website, sorting out photo's and captions, replying to emails etc....... More like hard work then a holiday to me!!) 
Anyway I asked Ramon if he would mind doing this for my son and he didn't hesitate to say yes. The look of joy on my sons face as he got to introduce Ramon to his teacher and classmates will be with me forever. To see the way Ramon spoke to and fielded questions from 25-30 nine year olds was amazing. Due to having to get Ramon to a photo shoot and to the airport he could only speak to the children for 10 minutes but let me tell you that he has probably inspired at least half of these kids to realise anything really is possible!
Ramon informed me after he left the room that that was the first time he had been in an Australian classroom. It really is a shame that it will probably be his last as he leaves our shores in a few weeks.He jokingly said he could go on the "school circuit" talking to children......Ramon is a real peoples person and he is living proof that Anything is possible! Take care, Don't change & Thank You."

Sylvia from Scotland:

"I first heard about him in the Daily Telegraph and I e-mailed him an invite but didn't bother telling my husband and family because I never thought he would come to North Berwick, as it is such a small place! What a shock when I received an e-mail titled "Ramon is coming" one day before he wanted to visit. When I told my husband, he said: "You can just tell him that he can't come, we don't know the guy" No way I said, he is coming tomorrow! He came and he even liked my food and got on with us all and our three Basset Hounds and we developed an immediate fondness for Ramon. Ramon is a very intelligent, friendly interesting guy and we were so pleased to have him to stay with us, but one day was far too short. We hope that we will meet him again sometime in the future. TOP BLOKE!"
Read Ramon's report about that day...

Steven from Brussels, Belgium:

"Look way down in the report list, all the way to May 16. Ramon was only on the road for 2 weeks, I had invited him somewhere in March, and was quite surprised when he called me. We made arrangements, and when I came home from work, he was waiting at my front door, as expected. As he had an appointment with a radio station later that night, we had some food, I showed him some parts of Brussels, then on to the radio studio and back downtown to hit a bar.
Ramon is really easy going, he just wants to experience other peoples lives and environments, so invite him and share his great experience!"
Read Ramon's report about that day...

Emma from Perth, Australia:

"Well... where do I begin? It took about an hour with Ramon to cement our friendship into one that felt like it was formed years ago! He blended into my crazy family instantly, and the jokes and laughter didn't stop between us and him! He was a great visitor, accepting anything he was given with a huge smile and never wanting to put anyone out. He stayed two nights with me and I thoroughly enjoyed his company, and as for whether he enjoyed it- you'd better read the daily reports and the message board! Ramon is welcome at my house any time, the door is always open. I hope all past hosts had as good an experience as I did, and I'm sure all future ones will!"
Read Ramon's report about that day...

Annette, UK:

"I was kind of a surprise host right back a month after the project started (well the travel bit anyway! I dread to think how much work had to be done before leaving!) - I say surprise host because the first I knew of it was when my housemate Chris said 'by the way we've got this Dutch guy from the internet staying in about half an hour'. I can honestly say that when I met Ramon I was extremely jealous that I hadn't thought of the idea first, but by half way through his visit I was glad that I didn't! The amount of work he had to do made my teaching workload of lesson preparation, marking (around 60 books a night), assessment, etc look totally insignificant! I actually thought he'd left by about 1.30pm because I hadn't seen him for a while, but a few hours later he emerged from behind Chris' computer thanking us for our hospitality and saying he should be leaving for his next host! I have never known anyone spend that time working voluntarily! I personally have never seen anyone work quite so hard, and despite such bizarre circumstances. I am glad I didn't think of the idea first, I don't think I could have coped with the workload!"
Read Ramon's report about that day...

Syd & Marion Brown, ex-hosts in Murwillumbah, Australia:

"We have been fortunate enough to have Ramon stay-for-a-day at our place! He is an exemplary guest; easygoing, tolerant,flexible and totally without expectation. On top of this he is prepared to participate and provoke discussion on a wide range of topics and as you can imagine he is good at it. His stay was our gain. Thanks Ramon and Good Luck!"
Read Ramon's report about that day...

And what does the rest say? Quotes from numerous messageboards, emails, chats and etcetera.

Bob Williams, main sponsor to South Africa:

As Ramon's main sponsor to South Africa, I thought I would clear up a few points on his trip. My company, www.etravel.co.za sponsored his air travel, some accommodation and the trip to the game reserve. We also arranged various press interviews. And then we left him alone. It was very important to us that the integrity of his "project" (as Ramon calls it) remained intact and that he retained the ability to feel as “free as a bird”. I personally believe that Ramon has done more for the promotion of our wonderful country than the relevant local tourist offices (which have remained remarkable quite on the attention Ramon is getting).

Miville, Saint John, Canada:

Dear Ramon, I heard about your project on Basic Black (CBC Radio) this morning. I admire your trust in Nature and in Human Nature. You won't be disappointed. As you sow. so shall you reap. Take good care of yourself. Rest well and travel comfortably. Your are a precious ambassador of World Peace. When you come to Canada we hope to be your host for a day. Come and have a merry time in the Maritimes. Janice bakes a cake to die for!

Jeanine Van Heerden, Grahamstown, South Africa:

I have been following you for seven months now and can understand that it is not an easy thing at all. To meet so many people and to always be on your best behavior, not to mention the distances you have to travel each day, to deal with so many conflicting opinions, some senseless, must be exhausting. One's home has great therapeutically advantages and to be embraced by the people closest to you sometimes is all that you need ...
You have done an excellent job so far and I have the greatest confidence that you would in future too. You are a remarkable person, no matter how many times you have heard that from your hosts, they do speak from their hearts as you have, with your project, managed to bring the world together. And somehow the world depends on you to entertain them, but don't lose your spirit in the process. We will still be here when you return and we will think no less of you for taking a break either. We are all human and since you have done so much for us we can at least give you a break. I do believe that I speak on behalf of all your followers. My sincerest wishes accompany this little note and I only wish the best of luck upon you. May you find the peace and quiet you so desperately need at this moment in your life.

J Boucke,  USA:

Ramon, your photos allow us all to share in the normal day to
day, and yet some have shown views of wherever you are I never would have guessed. Your road views are so appropriate. how many times do we travel down roads, but only take photos of the tourist stops. I have seen roads. I have seen peoples' streets they live on and their houses. We have seen kitchens. These are what tell us about people.
Your honesty keeps me coming back everyday to check for a new report because it is a real person who is meeting real people and then sharing the normal as you call mundane existence of day to day. I use sometimes your thoughts or experiences for discussions with the students I teach.
The views of other people in the world about Sept 11 and events following have been food for thought.
I have been to other blogger sites and this medium of the internet creates this openness of communication that as an older person gives me such joy over the goodness and humanness of us all. Your story of the youthful energy at the backpackers hotel in SA the other day contrasted to when you stay with older folks or working singles or those in different lifestyles.
Hope these words send you energy to push on from one who envies your willingness to be out exploring the unknown.

Joan, USA:

"I just spent my entire Saturday afternoon reading five daily reports. Absolutely fabulous reporting and pictures. Again I commend you on your travels and sharing this fantastic idea and journey with the world. I have learned so much about places I have never known about, and probably won't visit in my lifetime. But your personal travels really bring a special touch to learning about the places, versus just reading about them in a book. And your hosts and the places you stay are really interesting. It's wonderful they agree to share their personal life with you as well. Again, thank you, thanks to your support team, and all your supporters. Also, thanks for the hyperlinks you include in your daily reports."

Carsten, Germany:

"It's a real proof that it's the simple ideas which are the most effective ones. Of course, I must admit that it also makes me a bit jealous and feel stupid because I didn't have the idea in the first place. But that's the way it is. And i guess the Dutch are always a little quicker and definitely outstanding when it comes to making things work on a small budget."

Monica, Melbourne, Australia:

"I think that what Ramon is doing is like a job. He does not really have a lot of time because he does write all those reports and has to find all the places he has been invited too and then work out a schedule and then get there."

Bridget, Adelaide, Australia:

"I am sure there are corporate executives out there who would love to employ Ramon for his ingenuity, thrill of adventure and great marketing skills and go getter mentality, we you could learn a lot from Ramon."

South Park's Cartman:
Download this MP3-audio file to listen to Cartman about that -peep- of Letmestayforaday.com.

Mmm... You might start to wonder where the people are that talk 'bad' about me. People where I stayed for a day and write that they never want to see me again....

Well, I wish I had them, but it never really happened. 

Critics ended up to be wide-open-mouthed and scream nonsense without any arguments.

I have received many criticism about certain reports and some opinions I had accumulated in them. I learn a lot of things on the road, even that a lot of things are sometimes taken too seriously. 

From March 28, 2001 until November 2002 I had a page on this website called the Message Board. On this board anybody could ventilate his or her thoughts. Believe me, that really happened a lot. 

Since I use a different sort of Message Board since November 2002, I hereby offer you the entire list of postings on the message board. The last posts first, the first ones all the way at the far bottom. 

Message Board Archive (2.249Kbytes!)
or download the Word-document (371 pages!).